*Glossary of THIS SITE

Nighaṇṭu - Glossary of Terms or Names - Used or Made on THIS SITE


India – Used Only in reference to “the Country of India that is Bharat” formed in 1947 and (current) Hindu majority portion of Bharatavarsha. "India" is also used replacing "Indian", whenever that suffix is used. Since Colonial times Peoples all over the world are being called "Indian" while "India" refers only to Bharat.

General - English

Vale – Low Areas between hills, wider than longer, ie Plains surrounded by hills
Valley – Low Areas between hills, longer than wider,ie "a narrow valley"


Bhota Tibet , the Tibet region/country, Tibetan People, Tibetan Language - ie the same word/suffixless - Bhota refering to all 3. Refer to link for Etymology.

Kāśa Hills – The term given for hills surrounding the Kashmira Valley, between the ? range , the Vitasta river and the ? range - historically recorded as being inhabited/ruled by the Kāśa people (different from Khasa of Nepal).

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