Malvaprastha / Malva Plateau - Region
The Malva Plateau/Prastha is the most populous and likely second largest Plateau after the Dakshina Plateau. For this reason it remained prominent in history as Avanti and Ujjayani and famous in literature / associated with Raja Vikramaditya and Raja Bhoja.
Malva - Geological Composition
The Malva Plateau / Malvaprastha
Avanti Plateau / Avantiprastha
Umatwara Plateau / Umataprastha
Khichiwara Plateau / Khilchiprastha
Vidisha Plateau / Akaraprastha
Kauntel Formation/Plateau / Kuntiprastha
It is actually 3 Plateau overlapping - Kanjarda, Singoli, and Kotda
Raisen/Bhojpal Formation / Bhojaprastha
Malva Plateau - South and West Flanks
Sondwara Flank
It is the Northern Flank of the Umatwara Plateau
North Avanti Plateau
The Northern portion of the Avanti Plateau - with same elevation / not a flank
Note : the Plateau Top Regions are in Red and the South and West Flanks of the Malva Plateau in White.
Sub-Regions of the Malva Region
Avanti - Sub-Region
Vidisha Plains - Sub-Region
Umatwara - Sub-Region
Khichiwara - Sub-Region
Sondhwara - Sub-Region
Rangari - Sub-RegionRaisen-Bhojpal Formation - Sub-Region
Excluded are the Kauntel and Maheshvar Sub-Regions (marked on map) which speak Malvi, but otherwise categorically belong to other Regions.
Avanti - Sub-Region
Many cities throughout Bharatavarsha and Suvarnabhumi are named after this Avanti.
Vidisha Plains - Sub-Region
It is the ancient highway between Uttara Bharat and Dakshina Bharat, variously ruled, of mixed peoples (mainly Malvi and Bundeli speakers) and containing much ancient.
Umatwara - Sub-Region
In ancient times Malva was divided into 3 portions with the Umatwara plateau being the middle portion. The Umat Parmara ruled this region.Although the south 1/3 portion speaks Ujjaini Malvi (North Umatwari Malvi) - geologically it is the Umatwara plateau which is rocky, while the Avanti
plateau is not.
Khichiwara - Sub-RegionIncludes areas on both sides of the Parvati river - inhabited and ruled by the Khichi Chauhan, as well as the Khichiwara Plateau of mixed peoples.
Sondhwara - Sub-Region
The junction in the North between the Avanti plateau and the Umatwara plateau, and the north flank of the Umatwara plateau - inhabited-ruled by the Sondh people.
Rangari - Sub-Region
It differs slightly from the Avanti Region by proximity with and recent rule of Mevar kingdom. The peoples call the Malvi dialect as "Rangari" thus this name is used.
Raisen-Bhojpal Formation - Sub-Region
It is a Geological junction in the shape of Om. At present contains the somewhat recent city of Bhopal (Bhojpal) which may have been established by Raja Bhoja as an eastern frontier. Raisen is the historical center of the east portion.
----------------- Worksheet Map -----------------
Malva - Detailed Outlines
Detailed Outlines
Detailed polygons become
non-editable when uploaded to the Google Maps program and therefore the detailed
outlines are displayed in a different Map Viewer below (switch view to
Satellite). The Shapes are downloadable (via pop-out) and Copyright 6/2017
Gehapati N Vidyarthi.
Malva is Geologically - Plateau. The detailed outlines usually outline "the Inhabitation of the Plateau TOP, contrasted (outside of the outlines) with uninhabited forest, hills, etc."
Malva is Geologically - Plateau. The detailed outlines usually outline "the Inhabitation of the Plateau TOP, contrasted (outside of the outlines) with uninhabited forest, hills, etc."
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