Here is addresses and a map of Sri Maa Dhumavati Temples in Bharat. The exact locations of some are not known, listed as "where exactly?" on the map. If you know the exact locations of those or of other Temples not present on this page, can make/comment a Wikimapia link, a kml / kmz file, the coordinates, or a webpage link - so that can add them.
Maa Dhumavati Jayanti - Jyestha Shukla Asthami
Maa Dhumavati Devi Mandir
Dhupchandi, Jaitpur,
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Sri Dhumavati Mandir
Kamakhya, Guwahati City
Maa Dhumavati Mandir
Dhuma/Dhooma, Seoni district
Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Maa Dhumavati Mandir in Pitambara Peeth
Datia, Madhya Pradesh
Sri Dhumavati Mandir - Exact Spot?
Keshwahi, Burhar
Shadhol district, Madhya Pradesh
Maa Dhumavati Mandir
Ruvatala, Dongargarh
Rajnandgaon District
Rajnandgaon District
Maa Dhumavati Mandir
Rajrappa, Ramgarh District
Sri Dhumavati Mandir
(where in ?), Ranchi
Sri Dhumadevi Mandir
Dhuadevi, Mandi district
Himachal Pradesh
(The area is " Dhua (Dhuma) Devi Protected Forest")
Himachal Pradesh
(The area is " Dhua (Dhuma) Devi Protected Forest")
Tulu Nadu / Coastal Karnataka
Sri Dhumavati Daivasthana
Urwa, Mangaluru City
Saavirala Dhumavati Daivasthana
Kapu, Udupi, Udupi district
Nadibettu Dhumavati Daivasthana
Athikari Bettu, Dakshina Kannada District
Pai Dhumavati Guddi
Nadsal, Dakshina Kannada District
Sri Dhumavati Parivara Daivasthana
(Belle), Udupi
Sri Dhumavati Devasthana
Padladka (Paladukka), Kasaragod District, Kerala
There are many more Dhumavati Devasthanams not listed here in Tulu Nadu, including Kasaragod district.
There are many more Dhumavati Devasthanams not listed here in Tulu Nadu, including Kasaragod district.
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