Naga Aradhana

In some Regions of Bharata, Naga Aradhana is prevalent in regular worship. These Regions, due to climatic conditions - are also known to have a profusion of Snakes, though not all Regions of Bharat with a profusion of Snakes perform Naga Aradhana.

Sri Naga mandiram and Sri Manasa devi mandiram can also be found occasionally throughout the rest of Bharat - while Naga are worshiped throughout Bharata on Naga Panchami or Chaturthi days in the month of Shravan, which is around the beginning of the traditional start of the Rainy Season, when snakes come out.

Naga are also present in Vaishnava Dharma as Sri Sesha Naga who is Sri Balarama and in Shaiva Dharma as necklace of Sri Shiva Maheshvara.

Map : Naga Aradhana - Prevalent Regions

Malai Nadu (Cherala and Tulu Nadu Regions) –  contiguous Regions where Naga Murthi, created in profusion and placed under Trees or in Groves – called Sarpa Kavu in Cherala and Nagavan in Tulu Nadu. Such Trees and Groves can be found at every couple Kilometer, on the roadside, near houses, and next to/as a part of All temples. In both Regions elaborate Naga Aradhana ceremonies are performed.

Tamil and adjoining Kannada-Telugu Regions - Anthills, where Snakes generally reside, as well as Naga Murthi placed under Trees or on Platforms – are worshiped. Other standard temples of Naga - Devatas and Devis are also present.

Regions in the Western Himalaya - Naga are among the Kula and Gram – Devata in the Regions between Kumaon and Kashmir. In Kashmir, Naga worship was very prominent with more than 700 recorded Ancient temples.

Bengal and Assam Regions - Naga worship is prevalent via and/or along with the worship of  Sri Manasa Devi - an Naga Devi, whose worship for protection from snakes, was prevalent throughout Bharat in ancient times.

If aware of other prevalent areas, can comment and will update it.

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